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Best Video Translate API

Generate Videos in Multiple Languages With Tavus’ Video Translation API

Effortlessly create and share video content in 30 languages with Tavus' video translation API. This tool is perfect for businesses and developers aiming to expand globally, offering user-friendly features that ensure videos are natural and engaging.

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Why Should You Use a Video Translate API?

Utilizing a video translate API breaks the geographic limits of your content's reach. With Tavus’ API, you can deliver crisp, engaging video content that resonates with a diverse international audience.

Generate world-class AI videos

Tavus' API allows you to generate world-class AI videos that feature hyper-realistic avatars. These avatars can mimic the voice, personality, and behaviors of any user, providing an authentic viewing experience that feels personal and engaging.

Boost user engagement

Adapt your videos to directly address viewers across different countries, and watch your engagement levels soar. With Tavus’ API, you can tailor your content to give international audiences a personalized experience that drives conversions effectively.

Scale globally with localized content

Break into new markets without the barrier of language. Tavus' API facilitates the creation of localized content, allowing you to communicate effectively with audiences worldwide and expand your global reach through targeted relevant video content.

How to Use the Tavus Video Translate API

A step-by-step on how to harness the power of Tavus’ video translate API

1. Generate a video in one API call

With just one API call, you can generate a replica that serves as the foundation for anywhere from 1 to 100,000+ videos. We make sure to streamline your video production process right from the start.

Tavus Record a Video

2. Train your replica

Enhance the authenticity of your interactions by training your replica with specific data. This process captures the nuances of language, tone, and cultural context effortlessly, with Tavus handling all the heavy lifting to ensure cultural relevance.

3. Tavus handles the end-to-end pipeline

Let Tavus manage the entire video creation process from initial text input to final output. Focus on expanding your audience while we ensure a smooth, seamless production flow without the need for constant oversight.

Generate a translated video
How it works

Unlock Groundbreaking Features of Tavus’ Video Translate API

Translating videos isn’t all we can do. Tavus goes beyond basic translation, incorporating features that revolutionize how you create, share, and scale video content globally.

Translate videos in 30 languages

English is just the start. With Tavus, break into new global markets where your competition doesn't reach, ensuring your message resonates with audiences worldwide.

Personalize videos for each recipient

Customize every video with variables like names, purchased products, or behaviors, providing a humanlike interaction that feels personal and relevant.

Access stock replicas

Short on time or resources? Utilize our range of high-quality, pre-designed stock replicas to quickly produce videos, bypassing the need for custom avatar creation.

Unlimited AI videos for any use case

Whether you’re enhancing global communication strategies, creating localized educational content, or delivering multilingual marketing campaigns, Tavus' API lets you create unlimited videos, offering limitless scalability.

Generate a video
Generate a video

Leverage Tavus’ Video Translate API for
Multiple Use Cases

Hey there, Michael , thanks for filling out the form on our website. It seems like we could be really powerful for Linear , and I’d love to get a demo on the books! Have any time next Tuesday?

Hey there, Allison , thanks for filling out the form on our website. It seems like we could be really powerful for Coda , and I’d love to get a demo on the books! Have any time next Tuesday?

Hey there, Casey , thanks for filling out the form on our website. It seems like we could be really powerful for Sequoia , and I’d love to get a demo on the books! Have any time next Tuesday?

Hey Blake , reaching out because I want to make sure you're seeing the most value with Tavus. Based on your usage, I think you'd be a great fit for our annual plan . Would love to share more!

Hey Janet , reaching out because I want to make sure you're seeing the most value with Tavus. Based on your usage, I think you'd be a great fit for our premium plan . Would love to share more!

Hey Danielle , reaching out because I want to make sure you're seeing the most value with Tavus. Based on your usage, I think you'd be a great fit for our guru plan . Would love to share more!

Hey Jenna , congrats on your 50th workout. You're killing it! To celebrate, we wanted to share a special surprise. Keep an eye out for a package arriving soon!

Hey Vince , congrats on your 100th workout. You're killing it! To celebrate, we wanted to share a special surprise. Keep an eye out for a package arriving soon!

Hey Armando , congrats on your 200th workout. You're killing it! To celebrate, we wanted to share a special surprise. Keep an eye out for a package arriving soon!

Hi Danielle , I saw your LinkedIn profile and was really impressed with your experience at Toptal . It just so happens we’re looking for a new UX Designer at Sky Mobility. Open to a chat?

Hi Hollie , I saw your LinkedIn profile and was really impressed with your experience at Segment . It just so happens we’re looking for a newChief Marketing Officer at Sky Mobility. Open to a chat?

Hi Rita , I saw your LinkedIn profile and was really impressed with your experience at Apple . It just so happens we’re looking for a newContent Manager at Sky Mobility. Open to a chat?

Hey there, first_name , thanks for filling out the form on our website. It seems like we could be really powerful for company , and I’d love to get a demo on the books! Have any time next day ?

Hey there, first_name , thanks for filling out the form on our website. It seems like we could be really powerful for company , and I’d love to get a demo on the books! Have any time next day ?

Hey there, first_name , thanks for filling out the form on our website. It seems like we could be really powerful for company , and I’d love to get a demo on the books! Have any time next day ?

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More About AI Video Generators

Learn all about AI video generation.

Generate Personalized AI Videos with Our Video Translate API

Access video generation with hyper-realism and customization for your applications

Try Tavus Video Translate API
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Learn More About Video Translation APIs

To automatically make translated AI videos, integrate AI software like Tavus that supports dynamic language conversion. Simply upload your video to Tavus, select your target language from the options, and the system will handle the translation process. This enables your content to reach a diverse global audience without manual effort on your part.

Yes, AI technology like Tavus can seamlessly translate the spoken word in videos into multiple languages. This is possible because Tavus’ AI voice API automatically detects the language being spoken and translates it into 30 languages. Simply analyze the content in Tavus and customize the language and digital avatar to create your new video.

Yes, some translation APIs offer trial periods to test their services. For instance, with Tavus, you can start translating videos for as little as $1 per month, allowing you to explore the benefits of generative AI at minimal cost.