
How to Send a Video Through Email: Video Emails 101 [2023]

Julia Szatar
August 15, 2024
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Email marketing often outperforms every other marketing channel, with an average ROI of $36 for every dollar spent, making it well worth prioritizing for businesses looking to grow profitably.

But how can you make this already powerful tool even more effective? By sending videos through email! Videos are the most effective and popular communication medium used today, with digital video viewership projected to reach almost 3.5 billion worldwide this year.  

Studies have found that emails containing a video achieved a clickthrough rate of 38%, a stark contrast to the 12% rate of emails without a video.

Videos have the unique ability to elicit an emotional response. This emotional impact is not just about making viewers feel good–it's also about forging a deeper connection between your brand and your audience and making your message more memorable and compelling. 

This approach allows you to stand out in the crowded inbox, grab your audience's attention, and drive meaningful engagement. 

The Benefits of Sending Videos Through Email

Tavus videos can be sent via email, or through nearly any tool or communication channel you use. 

Sending videos in your emails can transform the way your audience responds to outreach. Let’s see some of their impact. 

Greater Engagement

Sending videos captures attention and encourages viewers to spend more time interacting with your email. Nearly 41% more people engage with an email when a video thumbnail is included. This means higher open rates, click-through rates, and ultimately conversions.

Improved Conversions

Over 90% of customers say watching product videos helps them make purchasing decisions–with videos helping conversion rates rise by 80%. By providing a visual demonstration of your product or service, video can help to persuade potential customers and drive them towards making a purchase.

Higher ROI

Emails that contain a video can deliver a high return on investment–particularly if you’re personalizing your videos for each recipient. 

Imagine if you could include a customized video in your email follow-up to each of your thousands of webinar attendees– in just a few minutes. Instead of sending the same, standard thank-you email, you get to engage attendees and re-engage the no-shows with incredible personalization. 

We’ve made this possible (and much more) with Tavus. Tavus allows you to record one video, and turn it into thousands or millions of personalized videos with the click of a button. But more on that later. 

Adding personalized videos to your emails can boost email click-through rates by 250%. 

Greater Retention

When you use video emails to share interesting and useful information, you nurture an audience who now cares about your brand. This means more email opens, more engagement, and lower churn rates. 

Personalization Opportunities

The likelihood of conversion goes up by 35% when using personalized videos. And with tools like Tavus, you can personalize your video emails to each recipient without manually recording a new version every time. It’s all of the conversions, with much less work. Try it for free. 

Record one video, and then AI customizes it with each recipient’s unique information. Swap out names, organizations, product purchases, or any variable you like so you can reach each individual audience member exactly where they’re at. 

Humanizes Your Brand Image

Video marketing strategies have been responsible for an average rise of 54% in brand awareness. Sending videos in your emails allows you to put a face and voice to your brand, creating a more personal connection with your audience and fostering a stronger relationship with current and potential customers. 

Opportunities to Send Videos Through Email 

When would you want to send a video through email? There are use cases for almost every customer interaction and program workflow. Let’s take a look at some examples. 


Video emails are a powerful tool for various marketing strategies. They can be used for personalized welcome emails when someone joins your email list, follow-ups after webinars in order to maintain the engagement sparked during the event, as well as growing and nurturing your audience through tailored newsletters and marketing content. 

More video email marketing ideas include:  

  • Videos of current customers and how they use your product
  • Announce an event
  • Inbound lead handling 
  • Marketing conversion funnels 
  • Share product updates or new features
  • Remind users about their abandoned cart
  • Promote your customer loyalty program

Looking for maximum ROI? Focus on programmatic use cases where you can automate video sends using integrations with another software, like CRM or email software. Try Tavus for this.


Sales teams may use videos to warm up cold leads or send broad outreach campaigns. But make sure to incorporate automated video emails across various stages of the sales funnel–not just the top. This includes engaging inbound leads, following up with prospects post-meetings, and even re-engaging with individuals who didn't show up at scheduled meetings or events.

Again, make it easier on yourself. Sales is already a grind. By setting up strategic touch points with automated email sends, sales teams can see greater returns with less of a time investment. 

Customer Success

Customer success is not a one-time event, but a continuous process. Videos can help customer success teams paint the perfect customer journey. They can address common customer questions, provide updates on product changes, or send upsell suggestions. If you notice a customer hasn’t been back in a while, email them a video follow-up to keep them from churning or proactively send them a video at critical decision points.


Integrating video emails into your onboarding strategy can significantly enhance the experience for new clients, customers, or employees. This approach allows for efficient training, especially when there's a wealth of information to impart. 

For instance, every time a new customer signs up, an automated video email can be sent that provides a comprehensive guide on how to use the product. This method not only makes the learning process more efficient but also frees up time for customer success teams that would have to send every email manually. 


Video emails can significantly increase the response rate from candidates by providing them with a more engaging and interactive communication medium. Recruiters can introduce themselves and provide comprehensive insights about the role in question and proactively address any preliminary inquiries. And of course, the more personal you can make it, the better. 

Consumer Engagement

In the business-to-consumer (B2C) sector, video emails serve as a dynamic tool for engaging customers at various stages of the funnel. Companies in industries ranging from insurance to art investment and kitchenware can leverage this technology to enhance their customer engagement strategies.

Video emails can engage consumers in a variety of ways, from sharing user-generated content to announcing contests or promotions. Try: 

  • Using them to welcome new customers and set the tone for a positive customer relationship.
  • Cross-selling and upselling existing customers by sending them products and services related to past purchases. 
  • Leveraging video emails to share exclusive deals and new referral campaigns with customers to help create a sense of exclusivity and reward customer loyalty.
  • Fostering a sense of community and loyalty among your customers by celebrating their customer milestones and showing them that you value their business. 


Product teams can use video emails to share updates, gather feedback, or provide tutorials. This can help to keep customers informed and engaged with your product.

Video emails can be utilized for personal product training, offering a more engaging and interactive approach to learning and development. They can also be used to greet guests or send personalized appointment reminders

Send a quick overview of your product's features, policies and procedures for users, and account setup instructions to make the onboarding process stress-free for new users. To really kick it up a notch, follow each user’s journey and offer support through any setback. If a customer starts setting up a feature but doesn't finish, a personalized video email can be sent to offer assistance and encourage them to complete the setup.

How to Send a Video Through Email

Whether you're looking to improve your marketing efforts or simply want to add a personal touch to your messages, video emails can be an effective solution. Let's dive into the steps on how to send video emails.

1. Determine Your Audience & Goal

Before you start creating your video email, it's important to identify who you're sending it to and what you hope to achieve. This will guide the content of your video and the way you present it.

2. Choose Your Video Platform

The platform you use to create and send your video emails will greatly impact their effectiveness. For example, Tavus allows you to generate personalized videos at scale, making it an ideal choice for large campaigns and programmatic emails. Other platforms like Loom are better suited for one-off video recordings for internal teams. 

Without scalability, it’s incredibly difficult to see true ROI. If you have to manually record or create every video you’re sending out, your audience is limited–as is your ability to personalize videos for every audience member. Less personalization means less engagement, less conversions…and less revenue.

3. Write a Script

A well-written script is the foundation of a successful video email. It should clearly convey your message and include a call to action, guiding your audience toward the desired outcome.

4. Record Your Video

Once your script is ready, it's time to record your video. Ensure you have a quiet, well-lit space and a good camera to capture high-quality footage.

5. Add Personalization

You can always customize the text of your email…but why not add it directly to your video? Personalized videos can lead to over 200% more returns than traditional emails. 

Personalized videos are more interesting and exciting to receive, leading to more engagement and connection with your brand.

6. Send It!

Finally, you're ready to send your video email. This could be done in a few ways: 

  • Embed a video preview: While video files are generally too big to be sent via email, many email marketing software allows you to embed a link that shows up as a GIF or short video preview. Once the viewer clicks on that, they’ll be sent to a new screen or pop-up where they can enjoy the video. 
  • Including a link to the video: You can also include a link for the recipient to click on, whether it opens to a Google Drive or Dropbox, a video publishing platform like YouTube, or a video creation platform like Tavus. 

The most effective way to send videos (whether via file or link) is to set up a programmatic workflow that sends them on your behalf. You can automate real-time responses to your customers' actions or positions in the customer journey so you get all the benefits of sending videos–with much less of the work. 

It’s best to choose a video platform that integrates easily with your current tech stack, so videos can be easily sent through any of your workflows. 

Best Video Email Platforms

So you already know why it’s a great idea to include videos in your emails…but what’s the best platform for the job? Let’s take a look.

1. Tavus

Tavus is an advanced AI video personalization platform that allows users to create custom, one-on-one connections with thousands of people through personalized videos. Record one video and then the Tavus AI clones your lips and voice to create thousands of individualized videos. Never again will you need to record one video at a time. 

Here’s how it works: 

  1. Record a Video: The first step is to record a video with the general message you want to share. This video will serve as your template.
  2. Add Variables: Once you've recorded your video, you can add variables to your template so you can personalize the video for each viewer. You might include the viewer's name and company name, the last product they purchased, or a customer milestone they reached…the possibilities are endless. 
  3. Generate Personalized Videos: After you've set up your template and variables, Tavus takes over. Tavus auto-generates hundreds, thousands, or even millions of unique videos from your template that are personalized for every individual viewer.
  4. Use Advanced Cloning Technology: Tavus uses advanced cloning technology to ensure that it's your face, voice, and message building personal connections with your audience. This technology captures your emotion and personality and perfectly replicates how you speak, making each video feel authentic and personal.
  5. Send Your Videos: Send Tavus videos via nearly any email tool or communication channel you use (the platform works directly with over 100 marketing, sales, ecommerce, and communication platforms). These channels will automatically populate a video preview, driving audience engagement with your content.
  6. Track and Measure: Tavus also provides analytics and insights, allowing you to track and measure the performance of your videos. This data can help you understand how your audience is responding and make adjustments as needed. 

Key Features:

  • AI Voice cloning
  • AI HD lip syncing 
  • Customizable templates
  • Media blending
  • Personalized video backgrounds
  • Dynamic video templates
  • Integration with multiple tools and softwareUltimate scalability: from one to one million, send as many videos as you need–based on just one recording


Request a demo to learn more about pricing for Tavus. The Tavus Enterprise plan offers an unlimited number of users and AI models, volume discounts and quantity customization, advanced video quality assurance, and white glove support. 

Try personalized videos at scale.

Get started with Tavus

2. Bombbomb

Bombbomb allows users to create and send video messages and provides resources and support to assist in creating effective video content. The platform also offers analytics and dashboard features, admin controls, and content-sharing capabilities. BombBomb is designed to work with over 50 integrations and provides custom solutions. 

Key Features:

  • Encryption and password protection
  • Integrations and extensions
  • Scheduling and mass sending
  • Transcriptions and captions
  • Animated preview and virtual backgrounds
  • Screen recorder and in-video calls to action
  • Branded landing pages and email templates library


  • Essentials: $33/month
  • Plus: $49/month
  • Teams: $53/month/seat

3. Vidyard

Vidyard provides tools for creating and sharing personalized videos designed to aid with communication with prospects, customers, and teams throughout the entire sales cycle. The platform provides features to track viewer engagement and push data to customer relationship management (CRM) systems. 

Vidyard offers ready-to-record video templates for various stages of the sales cycle and provides resources to answer user queries about the platform, its pricing, and the onboarding process

Key Features:

  • Video hosting 
  • Vidyard Hubs
  • Integrations with LinkedIn, SalesLoft, Salesforce, Gong, and other platforms 
  • Analytics
  • Script generator​
  • Built-in templates 


  • Free
  • Pro - $29/month
  • Business - Pricing information is not available on the site

4. Loom

Loom records a user's screen, microphone, and camera at the same time that can be shared via URL. It can be used on various platforms including Chrome, desktop, iOS, and Android, and offers features such as adding a description and timestamps to videos, which can be used to create chapters for easier navigation within the video.

Key Features:

  • Video hosting 
  • Loom HQ for centralized management
  • Downloadable screen recorder
  • Integration options through Loom's Chrome extension
  • Available on multiple platforms including desktop and mobile (iOS and Android)


  • Free
  • Business - $12.50/user/month
  • Enterprise - No pricing information is available on the site.

How to Send the Best Videos Through Email

Incorporating video into emails engages, excites, and converts. The ability to convey complex information in an easily digestible format makes them a powerful tool in today's digital communication landscape.

But for the ultimate ROI of video emails, personalized videos are the best solution. 

Instead of mass, impersonal emails, Tavus allows you to connect with your audience on a personal level. And by automating and scaling with AI, Tavus frees up your time, allowing you to focus on strategic tasks and reduce the stress of keeping up with the industry's fast pace. 

Ready to revolutionize the way you create and send video emails? Explore how advanced AI video personalization can revolutionize your relationships with every individual in your audience. 

Get Started with Tavus

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